Monday, March 18, 2019

Elizabeth Jane Christison's Obituary

Canon City Record May 19, 1898
Colorado Historic Newspaper Collection
I found it! Elizabeth Jane Christison's obituary. Proof that my great-great-grandmother, Elizabeth Jane Christison, died in Howard, Colorado (known as Pleasant Valley before it was name Howard) and she was buried in the Valley Cemetery, which is the Howard Cemetery. And it confirms her date of death, May 10, 1898, which is recorded in the family record of births and deaths.

I love the fact that she was known as "Grandma Christison"  and was "well known and beloved by all who knew her." Some details are a little vague - she was a pioneer woman at Cash Creek, eighteen miles south of Leadville and her husband was a judge, not a clerk in Lake County and Park County.

Now I am even more convinced that the marker for "Dan Christinsen" should really read "Jane Christison."

For more information about Elizabeth Jane Christison see:

Searching For Elizabeth Jane Christison's Grave
Elizabeth Jane Christison - A Colorado Pioneer
The Death of Judge Christison